Yugen #16 Having a fun filled life!

Just a few months back I entered my feisty fifties. Looking back I often wonder how the years have just flown by, I seldom recollect my thirties perhaps because I was consumed and engulfed in all my worldly responsibilities, balancing a home and career, a growing child, illnesses of elders, drained of energy, literally living by the week, don’t just know how I have grown and matured with years of struggle to balance all my roles, hardly having any time for myself, let alone any introspection.

I have made a resolution for myself, do what I like doing and enjoy doing what I love doing, in short have fun doing each chore. Having fun is all about drawing a light-hearted pleasure each day of your life. Living in a metro city, running around the hands of the clock, one is reduced to grains of the sand, so much is sapped out of our daily lives in providing for others in this rat race, draining us of energy, vitality, wellness and happiness. A little bit of fun in our daily lives works like the elixir, providing us with renewed enthusiasm to face the next day.

Fun is a virtue of life. Research provides enough evidence that people who engage in fun and doing enjoyable activities have a more balanced physical and psychological well-being and are better equipped to manage stress. Fun acts as a buffer to manage disruptions of our life.

So, listen to your favourite music…

Wear that outfit you saved for a special occasion…

Hum the tune on the way to work…

Use your favourite perfume…

Create something with your own hands…

Go on that road trip you’ve been longing to go to…

Have a good laugh…

Do retail therapy…

Meet your childhood friends and catch up on old naughty and carefree times…

Travel to those placed that have been sitting in your bucket list for years…

Follow your passion…

Have a hobby…

Learn a new language…

Experiment with cooking a different cuisine…

Play with your pet…

Surround yourself with children and young adults…

Fall in love, with yourself, all over again.   Its magical.


Yesterday I was clever, So I wanted to change the world;

Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.                        ——— RUMI