Yugen # 13 Absences and Presences In life

Very often I wonder when do we learn to appreciate and value our gifts …. Only when we have lost them or are on the verge of letting it go. Happiness is those small moments that we need to learn to treasure. What seems normal and ordinary today, in their presences in our life; becomes the most sought after by their absences.

Never ignore anyone who really cares for you, otherwise one day you will realise that you have lost a DIAMOND while you were busy collecting stones                                                                                                                             —-Rumi

As I look around me I see the millennials otherwise very smart and savvy in this digital world, totally confused when it comes to managing relationships. There is a need to deal with patience and love, today, in all associations whether personal or at work spaces or with friends. The hunger for instantaneous validations takes a toll. I have known so many of my young friends grappling with the dilemma of dealing with uncertainty in their current relationships, and not being able to understand the importance of a person in their life. They prefer to call off their association in spite of being together for eight to ten years.  I often ask them,” What is it that you are seeking?” No definite answer to that!

This is true even in our desire to own some materialistic possessions, a car, house, gadgets …how often do we whine and pine to get them and the moment the barrier is overcome and we own it, it only gives us momentary pleasure and happiness till we move on to our next need. Hierarchy of needs indeed; but it doesn’t mean that we disregard what we have already acquired and demean its existence in our lives, possessions both animate and inanimate.

When we are young, the strength of our willpower overrides everything else and the most ignored area is our health. As you move into the late forties, you realise that you have ignored and abused your body so much that it is difficult for any materialistic presences in your life to make up for the absence of sound health and mental peace.

May you learn to appreciate the hidden blessings in your pains and the gift every suffering brings along.

Life is a balance between holding on and letting go.        Rumi