Yugen # 19 Learn

I am writing this article amidst the fear and panic that is present all around us on account of this global pandemic due to Covid 19. The virtue that I want to address is about our learning to deal with our vulnerability and our emotions and feelings and accept and live each day as it emerges with its challenges and gifts. 

I just wonder with complete awe how a small microscopic virus has brought all of us to our knees, the rich and poor alike, the powerful nations and the developing ones irrespective of the nation, language, tribe, value systems etc. In a way Covid 19 had been a global unifier in times of economic depression. Countries are fighting struggling with limited resources and this has probably for the first time in this century given us a time to take a pause. A complete standstill! Its only when we take a pause, stop and reflect is when we get the answers to what is happening within us and around us.

 Today we are learning the meaning of interdependency even more. We have the time to sit in silence and listen to all the music nature has to offer us. For me this has been the time of increased awareness of my existence and quest to find happiness in the various miracles, life has to offer through every day experiences. It is also the time when I have been really kind to myself, doing my chores at my own pace and being mindful of my actions and speech. This is also the time to seek spiritual intervention by reading and practicing consciousness, while watering the garden, listening to the birds chirping, watching the trees and plants and observing everything around me. Never in my life have I experienced such joy in seeing the buds emerge on plants with the hope to see a beautiful flower bloom the next day, the smell of earth while watering the garden and actually filling a pot for water for thirsty birds.

 It’s the time to see so much awareness of humanity and kindness all around. The constant reminder to be grateful to the universe. This has been such a boon to enhance connectedness with family, friends and spend time with conversations and actually indulge in joyful activities. I have come across so many of us who have actually started to value our existence today and live in the here and now with joyous and genuine intention to be kind to others. I am sure many of us have experienced various manifestations of these realisations and learnt to take all this in our stride.

When will you begin that long journey into yourself?

These pains you feel are messengers. Listen to them.

Keep silent, because the world of silence is a vast fullness.    
